

Preach the Gospel : Make Disciples

Our vision is the same as for every gospel congregation throughout time and around the world.  As those who have been redeemed by the blood of Jesus Christ, we want to bring him glory.  The main way we do that is through our life together as a church, as this gospel community demonstrates the love of Jesus through our love for each other (John 13:35).  We gather together to sing his praises, offer our prayers, hear his Word, and care for one another.  And we serve side by side to see Jesus worshipped as the true King both here in Nacogdoches and to the ends of the earth.

We cannot be sure what life in the future will bring for us as a church any more than we know what tomorrow will bring for us as individuals. We are not the only church in Nacogdoches, nor are we the only healthy church in Nacogdoches. However, we know there are more people who are living and dying apart from the redemptive love of Christ in our city than our brothers and sister at other churches can minister to. We seek to simply participate in the great work that the Lord God is already doing in this city, and we hope to aid in that work in whatever capacity that may be.

We hope, by the regular preaching of God’s Word and the sharing of the Gospel of Christ, that many in our city, and around the world, come to a saving faith in the Lord Jesus and share in the eternal inheritance of the saints. We devote ourselves to making disciples of those who have placed their hope and life in Christ, and by the Scriptures and the Grace of God alone, grow them in spiritual maturity and active obedience within the church and in the world.